Moving overseas on a budget can often feel like an ordeal during an already stressful period. For many of us, keeping costs low during this period is a priority. Moving expenses are many and costly, and often seem to pile up out of nowhere.
Our team at Overseas Packers & Shippers have been moving Australians around the globe for 40 years. We understand how exciting the moving process can be, but also understand the stress that it comes with. Our aim is always to help our clients get to their new home in the best shape possible.
1. Sea-freight over air
The best way to save money when moving overseas is to opt for sea-freight over air-freight. Air-freight is a good option for anyone with a little extra cash who is keen to get their belongings shipped ASAP. But for those who want to cut costs, sea-freight is significantly cheaper.
While it takes a little longer – 4-16 weeks depending on the location – you will be saving money. And if you time your moving effectively you could reduce the amount of time you go without essential pieces. Or you could stay in a furnished rental until your items arrive, which would also give you time to personally vet potential homes.
Shipping via sea also has several cost-effective options when it comes to moving. Notably, Groupage – in which you share space and costs of a shipping container with other people – is a great way to cut costs if you don’t fill a whole container yourself. The average 20-ft shipping container fits the contents of a three bedroom house, so if you are moving less than that, Groupage is definitely the way to go.

2. Do your shipping research
We always recommend doing your research when it comes to choosing international removalists. Reliable moving companies should be thoroughly reviewed and vetted by clients. Ask them as many questions as you need to feel secure in your choice.
We have plenty of options and are an experienced moving company that will make your moving experience as easy as possible. If you would like to discuss your options or have any questions, our friendly team would be happy to answer any of your queries.
3. Give yourself time to get organized
As a general rule, moving overseas is a cheaper and generally smoother operation when done in advance. We recommend that you start the moving process as soon as you know you are moving. Visas, saving, and international removalists are all lengthy processes that need to be addressed before you leave.
However, we understand that with new jobs, school terms, and general commitments that sometimes we don’t have the luxury of time. Our team will work with you to make sure the process is as cost-effective as possible – without cutting corners.
4. Find affordable temporary accommodation
When you arrive in your new location, it can be tempting to go for the easiest temporary accommodation. However, hotels and such things can become extremely expensive very quickly. Doing something like Airbnb, or renting furnished apartment instead – especially if it is for a long period – can be far more cost effective.
This is also a good idea for those who have not secured housing in your new country of origin yet. Or even those who are planning on waiting for their belongings to arrive before moving into their new home. This would cut down on any temporary furnishings that may eat up your savings.

5. Pack neatly and orderly
You can comfortably expect that all of your belongings will be searched and checked when going through customs. These searches are part of customs fees, and you can often be charged extra if your belongings take a long time to look through.
This can be for a few reasons – if you have a whole shipping container or multiple, this will take longer to inspect. But if all of your belongings are poorly packed and labelled then this will also take a long time, even if you have a relatively small amount.
Fortunately, Overseas Packers and Shippers provide packing as part of our standard service – so we will make sure that this is done correctly for you. Having professionals pack your items also reduces the amount of breakage caused by movement and friction during the journey.
6. Don’t take all of your stuff
This is probably one of the best ways to reduce moving costs. Moving provides the opportunity to cut down on your belongings, get rid of the things you don’t use, and sell the things that aren’t valuable to you.
Thinking effectively about whether you want to spend the money to take an item with you is always good. This isn’t to say you should get rid of everything though. Definitely keep the things that have sentimental value or will be difficult to replace. As well as this, remember that sometimes it is more expensive to have to replace things – not all countries have access to furniture super stores like Ikea and Amart, so replacing 100% of your furniture can end up being more costly than shipping your existing stuff to the new country.
It is important to weigh up the costs of the different options available. The smaller your moving load is, the more likely it is you will be able to take advantage of Groupage.

Moving cheaply: A strategy
Moving can be an expensive process, which is only exacerbated by moving overseas. So if you are moving overseas on a budget, then this guide should give you some effective ways to cut costs.
If you are planning on moving soon, reach out to our friendly team at Overseas Packers & Shippers. We have the know-how and experience to make your move go as smoothly as possible, and can give you a variety of budgeting options. Get in contact today to request a shipping quote.